Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pink and Green - I'm so Preppy!!

I want to thank my Auntie for taking such fun pics of me!! I know the family really enjoyed these and I had so much fun while we were taking them (o.k., the nap was really helpful....and so was the food)!!

My Fancy Outfit! All Dressed Up!!

I'm thinking about a nap and some yummy food to follow!!

I love my fancy dress and sponge bob, he really made taking these pictures a lot more fun!!

The Cousins - December 2007!!

Here they are, the cousins Alysa and Hayden. They sure do love hanging out together!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

I'm 7 Months old today - Woohooo!!

Thought I would finish up with the fun pics from December! It was such a busy month ~

We bought our Christmas tree, first time a tree has been in mommy and daddy's house - it was an exciting day (as you can see from daddy's face)!!

I went on a walk with Daddy one day and was all bundled up, I was in such a great mood!

I wanted to share some pics from my very first Christmas, don't you like my hat?

By the the end of Christmas day I was pooped out and just wanted to go to bed, can't you tell!!!

That's all for December ~ It's now time for fun in 2008!!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year! It's 2008!!

Wow, I can't believe it's a new year. December 2007 was a really busy month - so much to share to get caught up with what I've been doing!
I went on my first train ride at the Irvine park that is right by my house. It was really fun - I went with my friends Max, Hannah, Christian, Scott, Julie, Ella, Ian and a few more people...too many names to remember. We rode the train at night(freezing cold) and it was really pretty with all sorts of lights - and then I saw Santa again....but this time I decided to just say a quick "hello", didn't want to get scared.

I turned 6 months old on December 4th. This is a really big age because I can now eat "mushy food", not just milk anymore. I'm now 15 lbs. and 2 oz. - 26 inches long. I'm getting bigger every day.