Monday, December 29, 2008

December in Cali ~ 2008

It's been forever since we posted some pics of the little miss Hayden. She is a running fool and does not like to sit still, typical 18 month old, right?
We're having a blast, she talks so much and is now starting to put words together. Every person she knows is either "night night" or "home". Max - home, Hannah - Home, Ted - night night, Auntie - night night. And if it's not those words, it's "Gabba" ~ she cannot get enough of her favorite show "Yo Gabba Gabba".


PS --- thanks to Auntie for the GREAT pics!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's official ~ 6 Teeth!

O.k., it's been a very slow process in the "teeth" arena for little miss Hayden. Last week she had two bottom teeth and then poof, a 3rd one on the bottom appeared.

She woke up Monday morning and was really cranky (very rare) so I ran my finger along her top gum line and she had "THREE" teeth that had popped through!~

OMG ~ she has 6 teeth now! I will try and get a pic to post but it is very, very hard to get a shot! Hopefully you'll see one here soon!