Monday, December 29, 2008

December in Cali ~ 2008

It's been forever since we posted some pics of the little miss Hayden. She is a running fool and does not like to sit still, typical 18 month old, right?
We're having a blast, she talks so much and is now starting to put words together. Every person she knows is either "night night" or "home". Max - home, Hannah - Home, Ted - night night, Auntie - night night. And if it's not those words, it's "Gabba" ~ she cannot get enough of her favorite show "Yo Gabba Gabba".


PS --- thanks to Auntie for the GREAT pics!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's official ~ 6 Teeth!

O.k., it's been a very slow process in the "teeth" arena for little miss Hayden. Last week she had two bottom teeth and then poof, a 3rd one on the bottom appeared.

She woke up Monday morning and was really cranky (very rare) so I ran my finger along her top gum line and she had "THREE" teeth that had popped through!~

OMG ~ she has 6 teeth now! I will try and get a pic to post but it is very, very hard to get a shot! Hopefully you'll see one here soon!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treating was a lot of fun in the neighborhood! Hayden had fun with Sylvia, Ian and Ella ~ it was so cute watching them walk up to the front doors. Not sure they said anything(Ella helped all the kids!)....but they looked great :-) !!

Ready to go!!

Unleashed ~ She didn't have to sit in the wagon....She was running like the wind!

Hayden the "Fuzzy Bear" & Ian the "Giraffe" ~

Sean handing out candy to Hayden and Sylvia ~ ("Pebbles")

Back in the wagon.....too tired to walk!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pumpkin Patch at Irvine Park

Hayden's first time at the pumpkin patch was a lot of fun!

We went with Sean & Gina and Kyle, Rose & Sylvia. Huge thanks to Sean for helping me with the stroller while I chased Hayden around the patch.
Great Faces of Hayden ~

Sylvia and Hayden

The "hay maze" was a lot of fun ~

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween at Disneyland...08

We've never been to Disneyland around Halloween time before, this was our first. It was so festive around the parks. Lot's of character looking pumpkins, decorations and of course, stuff to buy that is for Halloween (happy to say nothing followed me home!!).
Hayden went on one ride and so did mommy ~ I guess one is better than none?

I can't believe it's October, almost November?!?

It's been several weeks since we last posted some pics and details ~ !! I don't know how time flies like it does...the days go by so quickly.

Hayden is nearing 17 months old and she is a "talking fool" ~ she has so many words now I just can't keep track of them. Maybe that's because she's like a parrot.
We're having a lot of fun watching her grow up (and we grow old :-))

Here's some pics of just how big she's getting and how long her crazy hair is!! Enjoy!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

She loves to Dance ~ Baby!

If you didn't already know, Hayden loves to dance. All you have to do is say "can you dance" and she'll start dancing.

She has a favorite t.v. show, "Yo Gabba Gabba" ~ it's about the only show she watches next to Sesame Street. This show rocks......We can honestly say we like this kids show.

Meet D.J. Lance Rock ~ he guides the show and wears the coolest orange outfit. He also carries a great big "boombox".... - check it out!

Here's Hayden doing her thing.....dancing! She also loves to say "baby"....can you tell?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Past her Bedtime ~ But it's o.k.!!

We headed to Disneyland/California Adventure last Friday night so we could watch the electrical parade and the fireworks. Of course, our first thought was "it's past Hayden's bedtime, maybe we shouldn't go".

What's one night...every so often?

And so we went, with our friends Scott & Julie and their little one's, Ella & Ian. We had a fun time and the kids (regardless of how tired they were) lit up for the Parade and the Fireworks!

Had to get at least one ride in before the parade started.....what fun!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Mommy's Little Helper!

I needed a hat model - what a great volunteer!!! She was running circles around the house in her new found "fashion accessory" ~ the oversized hat!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pucker Up!!

Hayden's newest trick ~ The kiss!! It is so fun to watch her "pucker" those lips, blow kisses and give "fish lip" kisses. It's pretty automatic for her to pucker up when you say bye-bye or just ask for a kiss! (ps - sorry for the bad commentary, I have to learn to not make weird noises when I'm taping!).

Finally, a tooth.....14 1/4 Months Old!!

O.k., for months and months we have been thinking Hayden was being a bit fussy because she was teething....well - not the case(or maybe it was the case, it has just taken forever to get through the skin?).

She has officially gotten her first "tooth" ~ Not sure the exact date so we'll just say in the week of August 11th, 2008!

Now there is an "official" reason for the "fussiness"......

Monday, July 28, 2008

13 Month Photo Shoot ~ Lotsa Fun!!

Here I am at 13 months old! It was a big day ~ this is when I started taking steps for the first time, July 5th!

Fun times with my Cousin Alysa, in between outfit changes!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

4th of July Fun!!

We headed to the neighborhood pancake breakfast, had a great time in my new wagon!!

I love my pool ~ I didn't want to get out.... it's fun to kick, splash and play with my toys!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summertime Fun 2008!

I love to swim and play in the pool! Thanks to Auntie for catching these great shots of me!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Thank You Friends & Family!!

Thank you so much for bringing such great gifts to my 1st birthday party or donating money on my behalf. We donated the gifts to CHOC Hospital in Orange. They were so happy to receive this donation and it felt so good to be able to do this. Whenever kids are admitted to the Hospital and they have a procedure they are given a toy ~ we are making a huge difference with all that we gave them!

Happy Birthday Hayden! The Big #1 ~

I loved my cupcakes! They were so pretty and tasted so good...Thanks Gina!!

My Angel Wings didn't last too long but they were sure cute....All of the kids had amazing balloons ~ they were so creative!

My "first" sugar experience....trying to figure it out ~ It sure was yummy....maybe one day I can have one again!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Hey! I turned ONE!!!

I'm one now....mommy is still trying to figure out what pics to show from my b-day party! I was 19 lbs. 2 oz., 28 3/4 inches long at my one year Dr. Appt -- I'm growing!! Yeah! More to come, stay tuned....