Monday, December 3, 2007

I met Santa Claus.....!!

I met Santa Claus for the very first time on December 1st. I was with my cousin Alysa and we were having a really good time until I realized he really scared was down hill from there.

I hope that he won't scare me as much when I get older....I'd much rather ask for presents than spend my time crying!

I can't wait for Christmas!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Last Day of November 2007!!

Time sure does fly when you're having fun! I had a fun Thanksgiving, my first one! I had a great time with the family and I even had a friend to play with - she was a baby just like me! I love my turkey butt....hope you do too!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

5 1/2 Month Old Update!!

So much has been going on in the last couple weeks I thought that I would give an update! For starters, I am turning over now. I can roll from my back to my belly and then I get stuck. I'm working on getting stronger so that I can flip back on my back!! Tummy Time is great for this!

I feel like I may be getting a tooth soon. I drool all the time and love to get my hands on anything so I can chew on it. That makes my gums feel better!!

If you put your face close to me I will grab your nose, chin or cheeks - I love to reach out at faces!

More to follow! Bye for now!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

My First Trick or Treat!

I went "trick or treating" for the first time, October 31st 2007. It was fun because I was with my friends Ian and Ella. Ella was great, she would get candy for Ian and I since we can't talk yet.....made it really hard to say "trick or treat"!! As you can see by the end of the night I was wiped out and ready for bed.

I can't wait for next year! I may even be able to eat some candy too!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

My First Trip!! I was on an Airplane!

I took my very first plane ride on October 24th. Went to visit my family that is just outside of Nashville! It was a great trip! Got to meet Ted, Aunt Gert and Uncle Lou - we had such a fun time!

I also got to see my very first horse...they sure are big!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

4 Months and getting older!!

It's been a few weeks since I last gave everyone an update...I'm almost 5 months old now and boy am I growing. I had my 4 month Dr. visit and I'm 25 inches long and 13 pounds 6 oz. Now since it's been a couple weeks since they weighed me I'm sure I'm into the 14 pound range.

Last weekend I went to visit my Auntie and Cousin -- check out the great pics of me and Alysa - this was so much fun. I sure do wish my costume was not stolen off my porch, I really wanted to be a "wiggly worm" and be all cozy when I go trick or treating.....but you can't beat this cute orange sleeper, it will be just fine -- and the best part is I can go straight to bed...won't even have to change clothes!

Thanks for carving out the pumpkin for me to sit in Uncle sure felt good standing in it!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Love this outfit!!

Got all dressed up, had a busy day when I was with grammy and grampa.....and then the rest is history! I sure did have a fabulous time with them! I can't wait for the next stay!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I'm Staying with Gramma and Grampa

I'm staying with Gramma and Grampa Snodgrass while mommy is in Japan! I'm having a great time with them!! I've never watched so much baseball in my life, boy do I love those Padres!
I'm getting so big, I can sit up in my chair and just hang out!

Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm 14 Weeks Old, Yippeeeeee!!

Time sure does fly when you're having fun! I turned 14 weeks old today and my auntie took some pics.....she did a great job, enjoy!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

My Week with Granny Ayers!

I had a great week last week! Mommy had to go to a trade show so she flew out to stay with me - we had a great time! She loved playing with me when I was on my changing table -- look at my great hat!
I think she likes the song "tiny bubbles" -- as she would sing I would play along! Can't wait to see her again!

Hanging Out!

Here's a couple pics from my Auntie -- just hanging, loving getting my picture taken!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Weekend with my Cousin!!

We had a fabulous weekend the 18th and 19th -- Auntie and Cousin Alysa came up to hang out with Hayden so mom and dad could go celebrate Kimberly's 30th birthday! It was great having the night off, but we really spent the night thinking about Hayden and couldn't wait to get back home to her.

Her cousin Alysa is just amazing with Hayden --- we can't wait for her to get a little older, can you say babysitter??

Monday, August 20, 2007

I slept 9 hours last night!

Today Hayden is 11 weeks old and she slept 9 hours last night -- after a nice warm bath and some yummy formula she fell asleep around 9:00pm, didn't wake up until 6:00am and that was after I woke her up - I know, I know - don't wake a sleeping baby.....but I thought she really needed a new diaper and had to be hungry!!

Smiling, laughing and just learning about her world are her favorite things to do right now!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Stretchy Baby II

One of our favorite pics!

Stretchy Baby

Smiley Baby

The smiling and talking has started! It is absolutely amazing to watch this transition and see her begin to react to our smiles and laughs! Here's a few pics of our happy baby!
I'm also adding in her "wake up" stretchy faces as they are adorable! Enjoy!

Feel free to e-mail at, nothing like getting our 9 week old connected to cyber space :-)

Monday, August 6, 2007


Hello friends and family,

It is so difficult to keep all of our loved one's up to date on the happenings of Hayden's life so we created this blog to keep you posted on any new developments. Please check in periodically to see what is going on.

We really can't believe that Hayden is already nine weeks old (today in fact). The time has passed so quickly. It is pretty the last week or so she really started to smile and laugh. It is soooo flippin cute! I think she is fairly vain as well as she can spend a hour or so starring at herself in the mirror. Ms. Hayden is very close to rolling over on her stomach and her tiny fingers have a very strong grip.

Hayden is a very joyfull and beautiful addition to our life, we look forward to sharing Hayden's childhood with you.

Please come back and visit soon.

Peace and Love,
Sloane & Diana